Lookup results: 206-666-1926

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  • Phone: 206-666-1926
  • Type: Landline
  • Address: Seattle, WA
Find the Owner of 206-666-1926

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18 May 2010
I was selling my laptop on Craigslist and got an email with this phone number - it's a scam, as the email said that he was in Seattle, but I needed to ship to Africa? Must be a scam or something.
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18 May 2010
********SCAMMER ALERT************SCAMMER ALERT*************
Response to craigslist ad:

Thanks for getting back to me. I am from Washington and am also an Artist residing in London. Am still in State now for a break, but
will soon be leaving for England to resume work. The [Brand New Dell XPS M1530 Laptop with lots of extras - $725] is for my Son's Birthday present, he travelled to spend a lil time with his dad where he works in the US consulate office in West Africa, because of his little research.
I'll be paying you through Paypal Account. It secures and
protects two parties in a transaction. Through Paypal I can pay bycredit card or bank account.
I will like you to provide your Paypal Account for payment
to be made and send to your account before you ship it. I'll include $450 for the shipping.
I will forward My husband's Residential address with Paypal to you
for shipping as soon as the payment reaches you. I will be very grateful to hear from you soonest. Thanks for your understanding.
Susan Smith
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10 September 2008
I was selling my laptop on Craigslist and got an email with this phone number - it's a scam, as the email said that he was in Seattle, but I needed to ship to Africa? Must be a scam or something.
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13 October 2008
********SCAMMER ALERT************SCAMMER ALERT*************
Response to craigslist ad:

Thanks for getting back to me. I am from Washington and am also an Artist residing in London. Am still in State now for a break, but
will soon be leaving for England to resume work. The [Brand New Dell XPS M1530 Laptop with lots of extras - $725] is for my Son's Birthday present, he travelled to spend a lil time with his dad where he works in the US consulate office in West Africa, because of his little research.
I'll be paying you through Paypal Account. It secures and
protects two parties in a transaction. Through Paypal I can pay bycredit card or bank account.
I will like you to provide your Paypal Account for payment
to be made and send to your account before you ship it. I'll include $450 for the shipping.
I will forward My husband's Residential address with Paypal to you
for shipping as soon as the payment reaches you. I will be very grateful to hear from you soonest. Thanks for your understanding.
Susan Smith

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