Opt Out Removal Information

If you would like to Opt Out of having your Information displayed on PhoneLookup you can easily do that in one of 2 different ways:

1. Claim your Phone Number and Make Unpublished

To Claim your phone number, You must first

- Signup to PhoneLookup
- Confirm Your Email Address
- Enter Phone # You Would like to Claim (Remove or Opt out Of)
- You will receive a phone call or text message with your unique pin
- Insert Code you receive to verify you own that phone number
- Click Edit Phone Number
- Click Make Unpublished

This will effectively remove any information we have on that phone number on the site and Opt you Out from having your information displayed in the future

2. Contact our Support

If the phone number is a company line or a phone number for some reason you can't get access to the code we send you, you can always contact us and we will remove your listing manually within 72 hours or asap.