Lookup results: 206-666-2412

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  • Phone: 206-666-2412
  • Type: Landline
  • Address: Seattle, WA
Find the Owner of 206-666-2412

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Crime Alert
10 January 2009
This phone number is being used by Scammers using Craigs list as a wat to de-fraud sellers to send their bank information to west africa.
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Crime Alert
18 May 2010
This phone number is being used by Scammers using Craigs list as a wat to de-fraud sellers to send their bank information to west africa.
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Chuck U. Farley
18 May 2010

Thanks for the swift response about the availability of the item. Onmy own side, the condition is favourable. I am located in central NJ in USA..Well, i want you to consider the item sold as i am seriouslywilling to buy it at the amount you said. At this point, i will liketo inform you that my payment method is CERTIFIED BUSINESS CHECK.. Moreso, i will love to tell you that this transaction needs honesty because i am adding some certain amount of money which is the shipping funds. When you receive the check, you deduct the money for the itemand extra $50 for your running around the bank and you will send the excess funds to my mover who will be coming for the pick up via western union or money gram. I am sure i can trust you ..So, email me the below information so that the check can be mailed out to you..
Your Full Name:
Street Address:
Zip Code:
Phone Number:
Courier service will deliver it to you overnight..My Number is 206-666-2412. Please if there is no answer, leave a message but i want you to contact me by email because i use the internet than the phone..Send me the information asap so that the check can be made out asap and this transaction can come to an end

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