Lookup results: 206-801-3409

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  • Phone: 206-801-3409
  • Type: Landline
  • Address: Seattle, WA
Find the Owner of 206-801-3409

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18 May 2010
I have no idea what this heavily accented person wants othe than for me to send money on account that has been paid. He claims I have a file open but is not true or is not on my credit report. Threatened me to lose my job, social life, and embrass me or he would load the file and cost me then 6,000 in court fees. Called my sister and my son stating he was a Credit Fraud Alert and for me to contact him very shortly for information was damaging my credit report that is not so. Had my SS# Email and other items that were private.
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1 June 2010
I have gotten the same phone call from someone stating he is an officer. What really pissed me off is the fact that he has called my workplace twice already and now I am really mad. I am going to get to the bottom of these scamming idiots. They really went too far by calling my workplace. I am going to dig and dig to try and get these guys caught and have to pay for their crime. What a bunch of losers!!!!!!!!!!

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