Lookup results: 213-416-2886

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Auto Warranty

  • Phone: 213-416-2886
  • Type: Landline
  • Address: Los Angeles, CA 90071
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16 September 2008
Not sure how they got my unpublished home phone number, but I won't answer, I think it's a telemarketer.
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17 October 2008
this is a robot/machine it wants your banking info/account numbers, so it can procede to drain your money and take everything you have, it is somehow exploition technology at its finest, as far as i know its a untracable number from Los Angelas, CA. hope this helps you out, find them and put them in jail, do the world a favor.
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17 October 2008
sorry i forgot this, saposively it is linked to "craigslist.com" maybe you entered your phone number or something of that nature, in any case i hope this problem gets solved and the person gets put in jail.
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31 October 2008
DO NOT GIVE THEM ANY OF YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION! THIS IS A SCAM. You should contact www.donotcall.gov If you have signed up, you can file a complaint-if you havent signed up, you can do so and then report the number that is calling you. They will contact the proper authorities.
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18 May 2010
Not sure how they got my unpublished home phone number, but I won't answer, I think it's a telemarketer.
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18 May 2010
this is a robot/machine it wants your banking info/account numbers, so it can procede to drain your money and take everything you have, it is somehow exploition technology at its finest, as far as i know its a untracable number from Los Angelas, CA. hope this helps you out, find them and put them in jail, do the world a favor.
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18 May 2010
sorry i forgot this, saposively it is linked to "craigslist.com" maybe you entered your phone number or something of that nature, in any case i hope this problem gets solved and the person gets put in jail.
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18 May 2010
DO NOT GIVE THEM ANY OF YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION! THIS IS A SCAM. You should contact www.donotcall.gov If you have signed up, you can file a complaint-if you havent signed up, you can do so and then report the number that is calling you. They will contact the proper authorities.

Other phone numbers in the 213 area code