Lookup results: 215-274-9318

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  • Phone: 215-274-9318
  • Type: Landline
  • Address: Ambler, PA
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Joshua Fay Saunders
29 June 2022 , Caller Type: Scammer/Fraudster , Caller Name: Student Loan Forgiveness SCAM
The voicemail messages these scammers are spamming people with are really gross... most of these operations are scammy, but not outright scams.

This operation IS an outright scam. They are mass calling people leaving messages saying that your student loan debt has been forgiven, and all you have to do is call them back to finish up some paperwork and finalize it.

This is not just run-of-the-mill deceptive language, it is outright lies. Imagine being some poor young person, living on your own, struggling to keep afloat, and you believe the message. You'd call back, "finish the paperwork," and then pay whatever fee they ask for... after all, you've been told that your student loans ARE GOING TO BE FORGIVEN in no uncertain terms... so you cough up some money you can not afford to part with, all so you can get a form letter from the Dept. of Ed a couple months later, telling you that you were never eligible for student loan forgiveness.

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