Lookup results: 216-452-1060

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  • Phone: 216-452-1060
  • Type: Landline
  • Address: Cleveland, OH
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14 August 2012 , Caller Type: Scammer/Fraudster
don't know who this person but they need to be caught and prosecuted for the nonesense.Because it is annoying.
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23 August 2012 , Caller Type: Scammer/Fraudster , Caller Name: earthlink
It's not choice1, BUT IT IS "choice one communications" which was then changed to "one communications"
and now it's called Earthlink out of New York now that's providing the number to the company that's doing the scam.

They're a phone company that provides a "dialing service". So whoever is using that number -- the number was provided by Earthlink.

By the way, never say "yes" to one of these sellers - not even when they say "is your name john smith" (or whatever your name is). They'll edit the tape and make it sound like you said "yes" to their services. If someone's recording you be sure you're also recording or you're in a mess. Protect yourself

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