Lookup results: 226-929-4429

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  • Phone: 226-929-4429
  • Type: Cellphone
  • Address: Kitchener Waterloo, ON
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2 July 2014 , Caller Type: Scammer/Fraudster , Caller Name: Warren Drone
This man said he worked for Conostoga Contracting in Elmira, said he noticed I was working on my yard and offered a discounted assistance. When he came he did a bunch of crappy work and then left a jug of turf fertalizer he was "using" that only his Company can get... Made it seem like it was the best stuff on earth, and then when he left he left his jug and there was only water inside. I Messaged him about it and denied water being in it! I know what water is! Anyway he took my money and never came back. What a scammer. Won't be needing that company to do any more work for me ever! Who hires liars?

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