1. Post only truthful information. You are responsible for any defamatory or disparaging content that you post.
2. Please watch your language. There are many wonderful words with more than four letters.
3. Please don't make threats. I'm rubber and you're glue...
4. IF YOU TYPE LIKE THIS, people will think you are special (bad special, not good special). The shift key is your friend.
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attempted to convince my client they were an employee of "24 windows support" based in california that they needed to remote control the users pc to fix "errors" that they had detected. i am sure they were trying to install key-loggers and backdoor clients.
DO NOT TRUST THEM they sound legit to me almost and i work in Information Systems. sounded like an office in the background i heard at least 5 other voices speaking simultaneously indicating that they were involved in telephone conversations as well
DO NOT TRUST THEM they sound legit to me almost and i work in Information Systems. sounded like an office in the background i heard at least 5 other voices speaking simultaneously indicating that they were involved in telephone conversations as well