Lookup results: 317-534-0328

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  • Phone: 317-534-0328
  • Type: Landline
  • Address: Greenwood, IN
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3 July 2013 , Caller Type: Scammer/Fraudster , Caller Name: arbritration
Got a voice mail left on my phone by a guy who says he is a investigator named Jay Mills at this number ext 308. He states that I am a repondent for check fraud and such. He states that the sheriff dept in Indian Hancock County-where ever that is -has been notifed of my misconduct and I will have to appear in court there. I called him back and let him have it. Told him he is nothing but a scammer because I have never had a loan with LOANS.COM. He did have my old bank and my ssan.
what a jerk!! Told him I am not falling for his lies!! Someone better shut this number down so he does not take advantage of others who think they owe money. I have called the INDIANA sheriff dept and they are looking into it.

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