Lookup results: 405-532-3217

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  • Phone: 405-532-3217
  • Type: Cellphone
  • Address: Oklahoma City, OK
Find the Owner of 405-532-3217

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18 May 2010
A girl named Tammy texted me from this number, and when I said she must have the wrong number, she said "I know who you are!". She continued to tell me that a friend of hers likes me named Alexandra. I told her again that she had the wrong number, she insisted that she didn't and then started sending inappropriate messages. If she messages me again, I will be filing a police report.
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24 February 2009
A girl named Tammy texted me from this number, and when I said she must have the wrong number, she said "I know who you are!". She continued to tell me that a friend of hers likes me named Alexandra. I told her again that she had the wrong number, she insisted that she didn't and then started sending inappropriate messages. If she messages me again, I will be filing a police report.

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