1. Post only truthful information. You are responsible for any defamatory or disparaging content that you post.
2. Please watch your language. There are many wonderful words with more than four letters.
3. Please don't make threats. I'm rubber and you're glue...
4. IF YOU TYPE LIKE THIS, people will think you are special (bad special, not good special). The shift key is your friend.
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Now reading Bob Zimmmerman's The American Challenge. A wonderful dialectic work of vision. 17 years late but in these times still a light. Would not change a word (except for spelling errors) of this wwritten masterpiece of logic and fairness. My mentor who said there was no money in the truth. Thank you ... you are not alone. I'm 69
years old, an illustrator, researcher and cartoonist and hope you're still living.
lmkinnee@gmail.com 707 890-0650 Looking forward to
reading more of your work.
years old, an illustrator, researcher and cartoonist and hope you're still living.
lmkinnee@gmail.com 707 890-0650 Looking forward to
reading more of your work.