Lookup results: 415-413-3834

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  • Phone: 415-413-3834
  • Type: Landline
  • Address: Greenbrae, CA
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20 September 2013 , Caller Type: Scammer/Fraudster
This caller who introduced himself as David Greene left me a voicemail stating that he was from the IRS, 7 that they found that my IRS returns were defective. He even left a reference number. Intrigued, I called back and spoke with a person who stated that this certain David Greene had left momentarily for a meeting. Suspected that he was the same person. Same thing. Stated that the IRS was suing me for my defective tax returns and told me to contact my lawyer.He was reading an alleged letter from the IRS to their office and when someone was apparently also calling, he put me on hold. Being suspicious, I hang up. Tried to call IRS myself coz I was wondering why a private number was claiming they were from IRS although I was aware that the IRS numbers started with 800s. Please beware.

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