1. Post only truthful information. You are responsible for any defamatory or disparaging content that you post.
2. Please watch your language. There are many wonderful words with more than four letters.
3. Please don't make threats. I'm rubber and you're glue...
4. IF YOU TYPE LIKE THIS, people will think you are special (bad special, not good special). The shift key is your friend.
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https : // mbexec . com / emily-thomas
I think they were looking for someone that had the number prior, claimed had sent an email about VPN manufacturing operations role with equity box food manufacturing business that's growing quickly & potential acquisition opportunities.
Mind you, my voice mail has my legal name, my voice, & my number all included so people don't make this mistake, but some dude still has my number on his LinkedIn (probably unable to remove it since I have messaged him), & I've gotten calls for him & others yet no company belives me that I've had it for YEARS, & my ex spouse for that for over a year!
https : // mbexec . com / emily-thomas
I think they were looking for someone that had the number prior, claimed had sent an email about VPN manufacturing operations role with equity box food manufacturing business that's growing quickly & potential acquisition opportunities.
Mind you, my voice mail has my legal name, my voice, & my number all included so people don't make this mistake, but some dude still has my number on his LinkedIn (probably unable to remove it since I have messaged him), & I've gotten calls for him & others yet no company belives me that I've had it for YEARS, & my ex spouse for that for over a year!