1. Post only truthful information. You are responsible for any defamatory or disparaging content that you post.
2. Please watch your language. There are many wonderful words with more than four letters.
3. Please don't make threats. I'm rubber and you're glue...
4. IF YOU TYPE LIKE THIS, people will think you are special (bad special, not good special). The shift key is your friend.
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Refused to leave me alone at work. (Which is illegal...I looked up the laws) My boss had to take the phone out of my hand and yell at them to stop calling me. The gal on the phone also had this response when I told her I dont have the full $2000.00 "Maybe thats why you are in the situation you are in" Real classy
This lady keeps calling my personal cell phone regarding one of my employees. All i can do is give the guy a message. It's not my job to give out his personal information even though she's adamant that I'm obligated to.
Lot's of veiled threats with no legal leg to stand on.
Misty keeps calling my family telling them i owe money then said my friend was a liar when she told the woman she had the wrong number, this woman called my friends phone not mine. she refuses to disclose the company name which is FDCPA violation and then hangs up when i asked for the name. Has made threats to have me homeless and will not follow laws. does anyone know the company?
Lot's of veiled threats with no legal leg to stand on.