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2. Please watch your language. There are many wonderful words with more than four letters.
3. Please don't make threats. I'm rubber and you're glue...
4. IF YOU TYPE LIKE THIS, people will think you are special (bad special, not good special). The shift key is your friend.
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This Man called my home, my private home number at 8:45pm. Stating he had a package to deliver from the "Teamsters" giving me free Medical Insurance. He had my full name,address and date of birth. Chris stated that he calls to verify and deliver the package and that because I never was in the "teamsters union" and I had no idea what he was talking about that this was a first for him. He said this was signed by me and this was no gimmick. That this was real and there was nothing to sell. He said if he was in the area he would drop off this package or simply make a copy and mail to me. I asked him and I was furious if my s.s number was on it and he said "NO". Please help me with this.
Thank you
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