Lookup results: 516-765-2339

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  • Phone: 516-765-2339
  • Type: Landline
  • Address: Wantagh, NY
Find the Owner of 516-765-2339

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18 May 2010
I get a call from (516)765-2339 Said they are collectin agency fopr Tate & Kirlin, but I have no idea who that is and owe no debts!
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18 May 2010
I got the same call, and the guy could not tell me how he got my number. He kept asking my name, even after I told him repeatedly I was not the person for whom he had asked! I'm in Florida, with a Virginia cell number, so no reason for anyone from New York to call me!
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10 September 2008
I get a call from (516)765-2339 Said they are collectin agency fopr Tate & Kirlin, but I have no idea who that is and owe no debts!
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3 November 2008
I got the same call, and the guy could not tell me how he got my number. He kept asking my name, even after I told him repeatedly I was not the person for whom he had asked! I'm in Florida, with a Virginia cell number, so no reason for anyone from New York to call me!

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