Lookup results: 517-367-7715

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  • Phone: 517-367-7715
  • Type: Landline
  • Address: Lansing, MI
Find the Owner of 517-367-7715

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29 December 2008
For many months I have been continually receiving phone calls regarding money owed to Ingham Regional Hospital. Fortunately I screen all incoming calls and know not to answer this particular one. Usually only a partial message makes it onto the answering machine giving the hours in which to return their call as well as the phone number, (which doesn't match the Caller ID phone number).

Because I have no outstanding bills with them and no reason to receive such "notification" I know these are not legitimate calls.
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18 May 2010
For many months I have been continually receiving phone calls regarding money owed to Ingham Regional Hospital. Fortunately I screen all incoming calls and know not to answer this particular one. Usually only a partial message makes it onto the answering machine giving the hours in which to return their call as well as the phone number, (which doesn't match the Caller ID phone number).

Because I have no outstanding bills with them and no reason to receive such "notification" I know these are not legitimate calls.

Other phone numbers in the 517 area code