Lookup results: 517-416-1271

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  • Phone: 517-416-1271
  • Type: Cellphone
  • Address: Jackson, MI
Find the Owner of 517-416-1271

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Really, Stop Calling
18 May 2010
This is a guy that likes to call late at
night. He will pester you until you finally
yell at him to stop calling.

He sounds confused when I explained to him
(over multiple conversations since he
wouldn't stop calling) that he had the
wrong number.

He'll keep calling though and then start
leaving messages in Spanish. I'm guessing
that English is his fifth language, if
he knows it at all.

It sounds like he's drunk and is trying to
reach his girlfriend, whom he might have
argued with.
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Really, Stop Calling
11 February 2009
This is a guy that likes to call late at
night. He will pester you until you finally
yell at him to stop calling.

He sounds confused when I explained to him
(over multiple conversations since he
wouldn't stop calling) that he had the
wrong number.

He'll keep calling though and then start
leaving messages in Spanish. I'm guessing
that English is his fifth language, if
he knows it at all.

It sounds like he's drunk and is trying to
reach his girlfriend, whom he might have
argued with.

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