Lookup results: 561-549-0010

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  • Phone: 561-549-0010
  • Type: Landline
  • Address: Boca Raton, FL
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18 May 2010
Someone called claiming to be from something called "Home Shopping Group".

They are looking for products to feature and offering to produce an infomercial, sell on the web, etc. but you have to pay a fee upfront for this service.

Sounds like a S-C-A-M to me. I would avoid.

They are located in Florida.

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27 February 2009
Someone called claiming to be from something called "Home Shopping Group".

They are looking for products to feature and offering to produce an infomercial, sell on the web, etc. but you have to pay a fee upfront for this service.

Sounds like a S-C-A-M to me. I would avoid.

They are located in Florida.

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