Lookup results: 573-256-1013

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  • Phone: 573-256-1013
  • Type: Landline
  • Address: MO
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18 May 2010
My phone rang, then I heard the message, hold 1 moment please. After about 3 time, a live person answered.

Caller wanted my address or last 4 of my social security number. I asked who was calling and they indicated that they needed to know they were actually talking with the person they had called. I gave them no information. My phone rang within a minute from the same caller who had called my work number which is forwarded to my home number. I told her that she obviously had the right person, as I had answered both times. She still refused to tell me who she was and why she was calling, unless I gave her the last 4 of my social security number or my address. When I refused, she indicated she would be sending me a letter.

Very frustrating when someone calls and requests information without telling you who they are or why they are calling.
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18 May 2010
called my number at 12:12 on 5-19-09, i answered and was greeted by a recorded message instructing me to stay on the line if i was the name the recorded message kept repeating. i am, so i stayed on the line, was put on hold with another recorded message telling me to please wait for urgent information... finally got a live person on the line, asked me if i was the same person mentioned in the prerecorded messages i'd heard while waiting for a live operator, and i confirmed 4 times that i was the person they were trying to contact, and then the live operator disconnected the call.
definitely a bill collector, or perhaps a new trend of failing companies attempting a suicide by baited psychopath approach. while i am of sufficient willpower to not track these idiots down and bomb them to the sulfurous bowels of satan from which they came, i am unsure that they are not calling people who lack adequate self control to prevent them from granting this obnoxious place of business's death wish.
please, if you are psychotic and have received a call from this number, strap on some nitro and go get 'em!

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