Lookup results: 603-366-3009

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  • Phone: 603-366-3009
  • Type: Landline
  • Address: Laconia, NH
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Richard L. Hanley
11 June 2013 , Caller Type: Telemarketer
I acknowledge filling out a raffle form at the Old Port Festival in Portland, ME for some kind of trip. I suspected that it was one of those "come take a tour" to collect your free tickets thing. Sure enough, I won! The guy called from NH to tell me I had won and went on with a robo-rap about all the places I could fly and how they help with metal cars, etc. I finally said "I'm out" and the guy challenged me with "Why did you sign up in the first place?" I signed off and did a reverse lookup and the number is unlisted. I just don't want to see vulnerable folks get taken in by this outfit, even if they are legit. Why isn't their number published if they're a legit business and not a boiler room?

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