Lookup results: 612-354-6955

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  • Phone: 612-354-6955
  • Type: Landline
  • Address: Minneapolis, MN
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5 November 2022 , Caller Type: Scammer/Fraudster
When I called a number listed online as Geek Squad Customer Service the "agent" that helped me said an agent from Geek Squad Financial Department would call me. A man called from this number and identified himself as from the Financial Department. A very long confusing call ended up with them (unknown by me) transferring money in my account from money market to checking (to make it look like they were paying for the software) and them wanting me to go to the bank, and get "their" cash to get gift cards to pay for the software he was downloading to my computer to get rid of the Hackers. Fortunately it got stopped there but exposed my information and now my computer is being evaluated and I'm changing a TON of passwords, etc.

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