Lookup results: 619-273-5603

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  • Phone: 619-273-5603
  • Type: Landline
  • Address: National City, CA
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20 January 2014 , Caller Type: Telemarketer
I received a call from a company who wanted to sell someone else with the same last name as me solar energy equip for my home. When I informed them I was not who they were looking for and that this was 3 call I had received from them this week (each time requesting they take me off their list and I was not interested) the women/telemarketer began trying to sell her product again. I again told her I was not interested in her product. She replied by say she wasn't trying to sell me anything. I then told her I would be making a complaint against her company if they persisted to call. I hung up on her and within 30 seconds she called back. I told her again I was not interested when she became rude, insulting and hung up on me.

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