Lookup results: 651-636-1450

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Genna Lower

  • Phone: 651-636-1450
  • Type: Landline
  • Address: 1401 Colonial Dr, Saint Paul, MN 55113
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Cat ^..^
18 May 2010
Whatever it is, it's a scam. I'm disabled, and unable to work. Someone from 651-636-1450 called me twice, picking up my nickname from my voicemail and then leaving me a message, "This message is for Cat. We're wondering if you are still interested in employment with us." First, I'm disabled and haven't applied for a job in over 6 years. Second, only my close friends use my nickname - I never use my nickname for business (such as on job applications). Since my nickname is not an obvious derivative of my formal name, someone calling wouldn't know for sure if "Cat" was me or someone else in the household, and so would leave a message intended for my formal name. Third, I've only had my phone for 4 months, and only a handful of people know my number. It is obvious they had no clue who they were calling, and would therefore have no clue whether I was qualified for whatever work they might be offering. The fact that they lifted my nickname and then asked "wondering if you are still interested" for something I never had contact with them about demonstrates they are extremely dishonest, and should be avoided.

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