Lookup results: 703-740-3616

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  • Phone: 703-740-3616
  • Type: Landline
  • Address: Arlington, VA
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23 June 2022 , Caller Type: Scammer/Fraudster
Calls under the pretense of being a job recruiter/head hunter. Always someone with an Indian (dot) accent as well. I don't know if they are actually calling from India and have a way of using US-type phone numbers. I made the mistake of providing some very basic information to one of these scammers/phishers before only to never be heard from again. I believe what they do is scour websites like CareerBuilder.com, and then call you with a job, claiming they are representing the company. For example, I was currently looking for work in the semiconductor industry. Intel Corporation was at the top of my list. Ironically, (or maybe not so ironically) I would get calls from these bottom feeders telling me job titles and descriptions right from the Intel career website! Why would anyone need the assistance of these idiots when you can apply directly to the company you are interested in working for?

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