Lookup results: 704-317-6247

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  • Phone: 704-317-6247
  • Type: Landline
  • Address: Charlotte, NC
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17 March 2023 , Caller Type: Scammer/Fraudster , Caller Name: S Clark Honda
States she is with the TV Co. and that they discovered an issue with my tv box and I, needed to reset my TV box, I, ask what did you say? for she didn't speak fluid English she miss understood and said "you not at home"? I, said yes! She then said if you box bad you, need new one. I, then ask her if she thought I, was a *** idiot? and I, hung up. This is a scammer and I, am retired and she felt she could get her hooks in me for that reason. I, hope if you read and are elderly you pass it on or if you have friends or family that are please advise.

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