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719 220 0767
was an add used in locanto google web app of a personal. person pretends to be 18 then the story changes. next thing you get a call from 719 662 8618
They texted and called me from this number saying he was Investigator Michael Johnson Badge number 892 from the CSPD. I called CSPD and they said that person does not exist at CSPD. So this is some kind of scam/hoax or something.
was an add used in locanto google web app of a personal. person pretends to be 18 then the story changes. next thing you get a call from 719 662 8618
They texted and called me from this number saying he was Investigator Michael Johnson Badge number 892 from the CSPD. I called CSPD and they said that person does not exist at CSPD. So this is some kind of scam/hoax or something.