Lookup results: 719-744-8112

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  • Phone: 719-744-8112
  • Type: Landline
  • Address: Pueblo, CO
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3 November 2016
I received a call on my 250 minute cell phone from the drunk person that owns this line. I was in a cell phone store and has two clerks and a customer hear the conversation as witnesses. The man demanded I give the phone to Tracy. when I explained very nicely that he has a wrong # he replied with a threat and told me to "get your mother stupid". I even told him it was Susans' phone and there was no Tracy which was pretty "stupid" for my safety. I hung up when he threatened me. He called back and started it again. This was wasting my limited minutes. I came home and called the # from a private # when his "nephew" answered and told him to lose my # I would be reporting it to the police. This man sounds dangerous!

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