Lookup results: 760-306-4030

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Phone #: 760-306-4030

Type: Landline

Address: Boron, CA

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9 August 2013 , Caller Type: Scammer/Fraudster , Caller Name: Windows Care
They called to say they were calling about service on my computer and that they wanted to show me what was wrong with my computer over the phone. I asked for his number so I could call back and they answer, "hello". Oh yes mame hello this is Windows Care...scam artists! Trying to do people into giving them remote access to their computer.
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12 January 2014 , Caller Type: Scammer/Fraudster
"Window Care Support" Agent called alerting me of a hacker threat to my PC. Trying to get me to type in a code. SCAM! Hang up if anyone calls you about hackers trying to get into your computer. They are the hackers!
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