Lookup results: 770-308-4054

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  • Phone: 770-308-4054
  • Type: Landline
  • Address: Marietta, GA
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18 May 2010
This telemarketer has the last four digits of one of your credit or debit cards, and is trying to interest you in some gift certifcates/gift cards for a large named store, such as Walmart, Target, etc. for a small fee of $1.95 and free sign up for their service which will cost $29.95/month starting next month. I declined all their generous offers, and was insulted as a result.
If you call this number, you get their machine, which will allow you to opt-out by pressing one; it takes 72 hrs. to process, and in four days they will call again.
Avoid them if you can, I've called my telephone company to report their abuse of my name on some stupid list.

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