Lookup results: 801-742-8160

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  • Phone: 801-742-8160
  • Type: Landline
  • Address: Sandy, UT
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17 July 2012 , Caller Type: Telemarketer
I have asked numerous times when previously answering this caller that they cease calling me. They don't listen, and keep calling, sometimes at my inconvenience. I can't find their information to file a formal complaint, or go through the formal process of documenting my request. Can I still take them to small claims for damages? I have a phone log of many calls that they continue to make, as I now have them on my phone blocker app, but the phone still rings a time or two and interrupts me, sometimes when I am on another call. Do I have to get their name and send them a request first? Is the true identity of this caller and/or business available? This has been going on for two years.
Thank You.....Ron

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