Lookup results: 817-398-3366

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  • Phone: 817-398-3366
  • Type: Landline
  • Address: North Richland Hills, TX
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Jo Ann
8 March 2014 , Caller Type: Scammer/Fraudster
I am under the impression that someone is trying to scam me from the number 817-398-3366 which is in Texas. I have furniture listed on Craig's List. This person texts me from 817-398-3366 and says they'll send me a cashiers check for the price of the furniture plus for me to pay the movers when they get here. I get to keep whatever is left. Yeah right. I have learned that this is now a regular scamming business. What they do is send a fake cashiers check. By the time you find out it's a fake, they are long gone with your money and your stuff. Cute, huh? This person is STILL texting me and telling me how the movers won't take his check or credit card. I wasn't born yesterday! In my opinion, this is a scammer/fraudster trying to get me.
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15 May 2014 , Caller Type: Scammer/Fraudster
Same here.i got a big screen tv for sale on. Craig's list
Same response from "buyer" from this # 817-398-3366
They texted me saying they want the item,but since "right now they are out of town" they will mail me a check for more than my price, so i can cash it & give the balance to their movers Hahahaha really???

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