Lookup results: 817-592-0997

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  • Phone: 817-592-0997
  • Type: Landline
  • Address: Mansfield, TX
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3 June 2014 , Caller Type: Scammer/Fraudster
I have reason to believe that this number is being used or has been used to run a scam to get merchandise under false pretenses. My son was told that this person wanted to purchase a video game console for her husband. Said merchandise was sent but messages are being forwarded to my son saying that he can't pick up the money for goods because western union is having problems with their server. He was also given a partial transaction number via email/text so when he tries to check the status of the funds, they can't be found because doesn't have all ten (10) numbers needed for the transaction to be looked up by a western union representative. If you have scammed my son your information will be given to the proper authorities for prosecution.

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