Lookup results: 818-237-8820

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  • Phone: 818-237-8820
  • Type: Cellphone
  • Address: Burbank, CA
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19 August 2022 , Caller Type: Scammer/Fraudster , Caller Name: Me Nbcuniversal
I got an call from this number, they left a voicemail identifying himself as Eddy from Federal Express with an undeliverable package, which I'k pretty sure it was a lye. I called them back, and this so called Eddy wanted to verify my address and then asked me if I'll be home next day in the morning. They never showed up.
I tracked the number, it looks like the carrier is AT&T, under the name "Me Nbcuniversal" and "N Me", its location is Burbank, CA 91505,
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19 August 2022 , Caller Type: Scammer/Fraudster , Caller Name: Me Nbcuniversal
I got a call from this number and a voicemail identifying himself as Eddy from Federal Express with an undeliverable package, which I'm pretty sure it was a lye. I called them back, and this so called Eddy wanted to verify my address and then asked me if I'll be home next day in the morning. They never showed up.
I tracked the number, it looks like the carrier is AT&T, under the name "Me Nbcuniversal" and "N Me", its location is Burbank, CA 91505,

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