Lookup results: 828-263-4384

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  • Phone: 828-263-4384
  • Type: Landline
  • Address: Boone, NC
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26 May 2012 , Caller Type: Scammer/Fraudster
I posted an ad on craigslist with an item for sale. Whoever this is doesn't refer to the item, only as goods. Listed I put cash or cashier's check, they ask to send a money order. After a couple texts they didn't respond anymore that afternoon, not until almost midnight saying they would make arrangements once I had given them my full name full address and so forth. They stated after making payment arrangements they would send someone to pick up the goods. They also stated they would give an additional $25 to show they are interested in the goods, however what I was selling was an $1800 item, really what does $25 mean? The content of their texts and such makes it seem like they are finding a new way to scam you.

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