received spam / phishing email from 'From: aniemel arkcl' and TO '' (so my email was BCC'd) in which closing/tag-line included this phone number.
clearly fraudulent. stated that 'Your Yearly subscription for NORTON 360 PROTECTION has been renewed & updated successfully.'
The amount it claimed would be auto-charged was $223.89USD.
Then, the email stated "If you wish to stop subscription and claim a *Refund* then please feel free to call our *Billing Dept.* as soon as possible!".
Yeah, right. No credit card info was included, so just ignored.
clearly fraudulent. stated that 'Your Yearly subscription for NORTON 360 PROTECTION has been renewed & updated successfully.'
The amount it claimed would be auto-charged was $223.89USD.
Then, the email stated "If you wish to stop subscription and claim a *Refund* then please feel free to call our *Billing Dept.* as soon as possible!".
Yeah, right. No credit card info was included, so just ignored.