Lookup results: 858-705-2565

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  • Phone: 858-705-2565
  • Type: Cellphone
  • Address: San Diego, CA
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26 July 2014 , Caller Type: Prank Caller
Sad, lonely elderly individual who has nothing better to do than call and complain - mostly anonymously - to bolster his feeling of self-importance - about anything he can create.

He calls to disrupt other's lives - complaints of dogs barking, complaints of loud noises, complaints of illegal activities. His complaints are either ficticious or mis-identified. He calls and complains about a dog barking, but identifies the WRONG noise sources, the WRONG dog, at the WRONG address. He is a societal nuisance of the worst kind, because his complaints drive large disruptions... often at late hours - Landlord, tenant reactions, police visits, investigations - all based upon his misrepresentations, and outright fabrications.

He is a prime candidate for institutionalization, and needs to have his meds and cognitive functions checked.

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