Lookup results: 864-938-1631

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  • Phone: 864-938-1631
  • Type: Landline
  • Address: Clinton, SC
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18 May 2010
864-938-1631 has called my cell phone a couple times. First time, dead silence, no answer. Second time, I did not answer. I called the number on a landline phone and it would not connect since it is a false number. All I heard was a "busy signal" time tone. I checked the number on the web and it comes out to be a local school district number, which it is not. The school district does not recognize the number.
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17 February 2009
864-938-1631 has called my cell phone a couple times. First time, dead silence, no answer. Second time, I did not answer. I called the number on a landline phone and it would not connect since it is a false number. All I heard was a "busy signal" time tone. I checked the number on the web and it comes out to be a local school district number, which it is not. The school district does not recognize the number.

Other phone numbers in the 864 area code