Lookup results: 866-571-2434

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  • Phone: 866-571-2434
Find the Owner of 866-571-2434

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No one
8 January 2009
This number is used by a phishing scheme posing as the Schlumberger Employees Credit Union (SECU). They say in an email that they, "...have restricted your check card and your current PIN."

Call them ONLY from a pay phone and go ahead and give them some bogus information. The more people that do this and give them a bunch of noise to sort through (incorrect info), the less successful they will be and it won't be worth the time to try to defraud people this way anymore.

But you have to take the time to call them from a payphone and give them some incorrect names, incorrect card numbers, incorrect EVERYTHING. And eventually, we will stop them.
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No one
18 May 2010
This number is used by a phishing scheme posing as the Schlumberger Employees Credit Union (SECU). They say in an email that they, "...have restricted your check card and your current PIN."

Call them ONLY from a pay phone and go ahead and give them some bogus information. The more people that do this and give them a bunch of noise to sort through (incorrect info), the less successful they will be and it won't be worth the time to try to defraud people this way anymore.

But you have to take the time to call them from a payphone and give them some incorrect names, incorrect card numbers, incorrect EVERYTHING. And eventually, we will stop them.

Other phone numbers in the 866 area code