Lookup results: 866-751-5465

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  • Phone: 866-751-5465
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16 May 2013
From Facebook: Facebook Friends BEWARE!!!!! I received a phone call today from someone claiming they had a package to deliver between 7-9 p.m. that needed to be signed for. The caller mentioned and affidavit from the Department of Legal Services. Needless to say, this alerted me because I have no pending litigation and of course she couldn't tell me about it but there was a phone number she could give me. PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE tell your family members especially anyone elderly! They sound so official but they are not - it is a SCAM! The phone number the scammer gives is 866-751-5465. Do not give your social security number or any other personal information - take the phone number and case number down and call your local dispatcher/police and the State Attorney General. The phone number to the office of Patrick Morrissey our WV State Attorney General is 800-368-8808! Please alert your friends and family so they don't get scammed!!!!

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