Lookup results: 866-978-6544

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  • Phone: 866-978-6544
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20 March 2014 , Caller Type: Scammer/Fraudster
Heavy Indian accent guy called and left a message saying his name was Brian Smith scamming something wanting me to call him back at this number (866) 978-6544. I couldn't understand him much, but he was threatening that I would be arrested.
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24 March 2014 , Caller Type: Scammer/Fraudster
Same issue. Indian accent so heavy I couldn't understand him. Read previous report and listened to the voicemail again. He was threatening arrest. All I can say is you better have a good lawyer. Blocked the number.
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25 March 2014 , Caller Type: Scammer/Fraudster , Caller Name: Says they are the IRS
3/25/14 Caller with very heavy Indian/foreign accent. Says his name was Mark Robinson and he is from the IRS. Very threatening. Said my local police dept. has a warrant out for my arrest and they will be coming by to arrest me. He asked if I had a good lawyer. (The scary part is he did know some personal tax info. about me and knew info. about what I paid the IRS a bunch of years back that he SHOULD NOT have known about). When I told him I did not owe any money to the IRS and I became hostile back to him, he hung up on me. (Actually, it was the scammer's Supervisor who hung up on me). I will report them to the IRS. The IRS's website shows 3 numbers to report such scammers to. So I will do that now. GOODBYE "MARK ROBINSON" and hope YOU have a good lawyer!!!

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