Lookup results: 876-301-0323

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  • Phone: 876-301-0323
  • Type: Landline
  • Address: Kingston, JM
Find the Owner of 876-301-0323

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18 May 2010
This is a scam caller from Jamaica, telling the elderly ythat they won a Sweepstrakes and does not stop calling. Has called my Mother in law for 3 yrs now, and calls 8-10 timnes over a 2 week period trying to get her to send moinmey to a John Cash by Western Union and someone will then come to her house and bringa check for many millions. Its teh same story year after year. He however, now uses the FEDEX scam that he is with FEDEX and has a packager that is a check valued at $3 Milliom, but she needws to pay teh Fee of $249.00 and then she can get the package. He also uses a call back number of what he says is the fedex office he is at as 876-292-7586 (this happens to also be in Jamaica), shows the stupidity of the person thinking no one will ever check out where the area code is. By the way, he is rude, nasty and knows because he is out of teh country, that no one can do anything so he keeps calling at all hours.

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