Lookup results: 877-207-6662

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  • Phone: 877-207-6662
Find the Owner of 877-207-6662

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Dan D
6 November 2008
Some latin person who I could hardly stand. All i know if they call 4-5 times a day asking if I want a car loan. They obviously purchased my information from some other company. I keep advising them to stop calling but they do not,.
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2 December 2008
Don't know who this is. I even tried to answer and there was no one there...no message...wish they would stop...

I read the complaints posted on the internet -- that this number has something to do with auto loans -- which is really a joke -- I'm disabled and will never be able to drive again.
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19 December 2008
I am receiving calls from this number. Will this report be forwarded to federal authorities because I work for the government and will send them a notice on this fraud call scam and will use this site as a reference for where I reported the problem.
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Dan D
18 May 2010
Some latin person who I could hardly stand. All i know if they call 4-5 times a day asking if I want a car loan. They obviously purchased my information from some other company. I keep advising them to stop calling but they do not,.
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18 May 2010
Don't know who this is. I even tried to answer and there was no one there...no message...wish they would stop...

I read the complaints posted on the internet -- that this number has something to do with auto loans -- which is really a joke -- I'm disabled and will never be able to drive again.
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18 May 2010
I am receiving calls from this number. Will this report be forwarded to federal authorities because I work for the government and will send them a notice on this fraud call scam and will use this site as a reference for where I reported the problem.
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18 May 2010
This is a scam I cant believe I fell for it LOL ! All I gave them was my DOB I hope thats not enough for them to steal my ID I heard they can get you SSN on the computer and there's nothing they can do about it . I thought maybe my husband applied because he's been talking about getting me a car.I asked if I could call him back and let me talk to my husband first he got me in a hurry and said some one is waiting and he said " I need you to say yes mam "Im scared I hope they can catch these guys when I tried to call back it it said disconnected but I could get through with my cell phone I could hear alot goin on in the background finally he answered I said "yea someone called me about a loan " finally he answered He said yea you have been approved he didnt even know who I was LOL then I said I didnt apply for a loan and I don't want one and he hung up.

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