Lookup results: 877-524-4248

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  • Phone: 877-524-4248
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6 July 2010
Received a call from Thom Penn regarding an entry I didn't remember submitting but I do submit them. Anyway he had me go to some promotion that turned out to be pretty fun and I received my scratch off ticket as ge stated and won a flat screen television! I was hoping for the car but I'm content, I didn't spend a dime..
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6 July 2010
Received a call about winning something, my wife and I went to the promotion, it didn't cost anything, and we won a television not a car. I could have sworn Thom said I won the car but the television works fine. And I also bought some very cheap airline tickets while at the promotion! I'd go again if they called me to.
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7 July 2010
Spoke to Kevin, attended 90 minute promotion on travel won a vacation to Vegas airfare and hotel included for the wife and I! I was hoping for the car when I submitted that entry but I'll settle for a free vacation. We had fun.
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8 July 2010
I submitted an entry form that I had forgotten about over 2 years ago and this guy Todd come calling telling me that I've won something. The lord is truly good. I'm set to go scratch my ticket and I hope to win the car but all the prizes are nice. I'm happy to have checked here to see positive comments. Wish me luck!
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8 July 2010
This has to be too good to be true but why would they invite me to their business if it's a lie? I'm going! Todd said it doesn't cost me anything and the least I could win is a tv! I've never won anything!! Yipee...
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8 July 2010
I'm skeptical but I'll be attending. This better not be a police sting!
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13 July 2010
This guy, "Mr, Blue" called me and said I won a SUV. I never submitted anything so how did I win something? Sounds shady to me. I won't be calling him back! Has scam written all over it!
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16 July 2010 , Caller Type: Scammer/Fraudster , Caller Name: No Name
SCAM!!! These idiots are running this scam all over the country. And they know about the Internet so you will find lots of "reports" that this is a fantastic opportunity. Nothing but a scam.
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20 July 2010 , Caller Name: Special Promotions
I received a call from Kevin about winning a suv went to the 90 minute promotion and I scratched a ticket and won $2500! This is not a scam! This is for real! Don't be skeptical guys! These people can't lie when they're inviting you to their place of business!It's real guys
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3 August 2010 , Caller Type: Scammer/Fraudster , Caller Name: Special Promotions
Kevin Blue promised me an SUV too. I filed a complaint with the Federal Do Not Call registry. Major scam alert, the recording claimed to be responding to MY CALL. Never heard of these guys before.

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