Lookup results: 877-669-2971

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  • Phone: 877-669-2971
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7 June 2010
This # was listed to cancel an order from Home Income Profit Systems. The charge your acct something different than what you thought you were to pay then deny any charges. Also charge your acct an additional 79.99 unauthorized of course and deny you even having an acct with them, so they cant cancel from # on that specific pg and say to call # on bank statement, which is the # listed above. No answer and on hold now for over 53 mins. Occasionally an operator will come on and say current hold time down to 4 mins from 32, then goes back up to 11 mins from 4 mins. Im am severely irate!!!
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pissed off too
11 June 2010
this hapened to me to what can we do about this.
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This is CRAP!!!!
15 June 2010
The company gave me an additional customer service # 1-888-890-8509. They in turn gave me a email to send my complaint support@instant-customers. THis is also not creditable. There is not such email. I have contacted the attorney generals office in my state and CALIFORNIA If anyone has any addtional infor about the company It wopuld be helpful in makingb these claims to Attoney General. THese people ARE CRIMINALS!!!!!
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17 June 2010
I had the same thing happend to me just 3 days ago. there was special offer for $1.99. then few days later i find out unauthorized charge on my check card . QuickLearn Net took $79.99 , I never heard adout them and there was that phone #877-669-2971. and same story, you hold forever and then they hung up. Its will be cool to find the way to take care about this,because its feels so helpless

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