Lookup results: 888-261-4839

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  • Phone: 888-261-4839
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14 July 2014 , Caller Type: Scammer/Fraudster
This "company" is totally fake, I called them before to fix my computer, and using remote control over my computer through theirs, removed Microsoft and McAfee and put viruses into my computer. So that we'd have to keep paying to "fix" it. Once we told them we had proof they were frauds they put they begged us not to report them as scammers and put the McAfee back, but now it says we still have to pay for it, and they never put Microsoft back. I did a Reverse phone search and it turned out they were pretending to be a law firm, and would try scamming people by telling them they had to pay huge amounts of money or would be arrested.

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