Lookup results: 888-519-7080

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  • Phone: 888-519-7080
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5 November 2022 , Caller Type: Scammer/Fraudster
Got e-mail from "Geek Squad" that said they were going to pay for a service from my account (which I didn't sign up for) This number came up on internet as Geek Squad Customer Service. When I called they said they would take care of the unauthorized billing and that the finance department was going to call back to verify. Man called identifying himself as Geek Squad Finance and proceeded to "determine" that my computer was hacked and somehow we ended up working on my computer, until he wanted me to go to my bank and get money to pay for the software he was putting on the computer; money that he said they had deposited in my account, but turned out they had just transferred the money from my money market to my checking.... fortunately caught it before it went farther, but computer is now in the shop to be checked over and I am in the process of changing every password and opening an new account.

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