Lookup results: 905-513-0234

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  • Phone: 905-513-0234
  • Type: Landline
  • Address: Unionville, ON
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18 May 2010
Keep getting called by this number 3-4 times a day, along with 905-513-0767. When I pick up, there is no answer on the other end, but the line is open and you can hear air. After about 10 seconds, the line hangs up. 2-3 hours later, however, they call back. Only during work hours so far...
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4 February 2009
Keep getting called by this number 3-4 times a day, along with 905-513-0767. When I pick up, there is no answer on the other end, but the line is open and you can hear air. After about 10 seconds, the line hangs up. 2-3 hours later, however, they call back. Only during work hours so far...

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