Lookup results: 905-538-0202

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K Winship

  • Phone: 905-538-0202
  • Type: Landline
  • Address: Hamilton, ON
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18 May 2010
These people post ads on various different sites giving away animals and they even off to deliver the animal to you. Usually it's cats and dogs. The animals appear healthy but in reality they are very ill and require extensive health vet care. Our cat for example needs surgery to correct an ear hematoma which could have been avoided had these people treated the ear mite infestation when it occurred.

Do NOT ever contact these peope or get animals from them. Report them to the SPCA!!!
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18 February 2009
These people post ads on various different sites giving away animals and they even off to deliver the animal to you. Usually it's cats and dogs. The animals appear healthy but in reality they are very ill and require extensive health vet care. Our cat for example needs surgery to correct an ear hematoma which could have been avoided had these people treated the ear mite infestation when it occurred.

Do NOT ever contact these peope or get animals from them. Report them to the SPCA!!!

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